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Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano


Charles Wuorinen’s TRIO FOR VIOLIN, CELLO AND PIANO was composed from 28 May – 2 August 1983 in a response to a commission from the Arden Trio (funded in part by Chamber Music America). Wuorinen resists from writing program notes, and asks the listener to ‘take the work on its own terms.’ All I need add to that is that the piece is roughly 10 minutes in one movement.

-Howard Stokar

"Those who attended the concert, including myself, were awed by the sheer beauty of the musical experience." "A superbly crafted ten-minute piece" Detroit News "One can easily tell what each instrument is doing - even on first hearing - sense the relationships of the musical lines to one another. There is a nice balance between agitation and repose, and when the gentle minor-mode ending of the piece is reached, the listener feels that the musical journey taken has been well plotted and nicely worked out." New York Times
